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Lost or Broken Retainers: Here is What to Do

John M

According to a research study published in 2017, relapses are common in patients who have undergone orthodontic treatment. The study notes that relapses involve the teeth moving towards their original malocclusion. What’s more, the study indicates that because relapses are unpredictable, patients should commit to wearing retainers to keep their teeth in the corrected position.

According to the 2017 study, retainers can help you keep your teeth as straight as possible. However, what happens when you get your retainers and lose or break them later? In this detailed guide, Linea Clear will focus on answering this question.

How Long Can You Go Without a Retainer?

At Linea Clear, our orthodontists believe that consistency is very key when wearing a retainer. After straightening your teeth, wearing a retainer every night before going to bed is the only ideal way to retain your white and straight smile for a lifetime. It is for this reason we encourage patients to get a new retainer as soon as possible if they break or lose their original retainer.

If you have lost the retainer and/or have gone for one to three nights without wearing it, your teeth may start shifting slowly. Several indicators could show you are losing your perfect smile – these include:

  • The retainers fail to seat fully over your teeth. The retainers may only fit halfway.

  • The retainer feels extremely tight for you to wear when going to bed.

When most people lose their retainer and then locate it 2 or 3 weeks later, they often try to wear it only to realize that it does not fit them anymore. If this happens to you, you must call your orthodontist immediately and request a new retainer. At this point, your teeth may have shifted, and getting a new retainer that fits the teeth’ current shape may be the key to keeping them from shifting again.

2 Steps to Take After Losing or Breaking Your Retainer

Step #1: Grab the Backup Retainer

After straightening your teeth with dental braces or invisible teeth aligners, most orthodontists will give you two sets of retainers. The idea is that you will wear one retainer every day and keep the second set for emergency purposes.

The moment you realize that you have lost your first set, it is time to turn to the backup retainer. However, do not get comfortable because you have a backup plan. Remember that you can lose the second set. Therefore, be sure to get a new retainer as soon as possible.

Step #2: Schedule an Appointment with Your Orthodontist

This step is extremely vital for people who do not have a backup retainer. Remember, even three nights of not wearing your retainer may result in a slight teeth relapse.

Most retainer appointments take 10 to 30 minutes. Your orthodontist will need to take new molds of your teeth – this is necessary to ensure that the new retainer will be a perfect fit.

Most orthodontists will make 3D retainers in-house and you can pick them on the same day. This means that you won’t have to worry about your teeth relapsing as you wait for the retainers to be produced.

How to Avoid Losing or Breaking Your Retainers

No one would want to risk undoing all the hard work done by their orthodontist to fix their crooked teeth. Now that you do not have transparent teeth aligners working on your teeth, how can you avoid losing your retainers? Below, we have outlined some of the tips you can take advantage of:

1. Use Your Retainer Case

Your retainers will always remain safe in their case. If you often find yourself carrying your retainer case to different places, consider putting your phone number and name on the case. If you leave the case somewhere by mistake, someone can use your contact details to deliver it to you.

2. Avoid Wrapping Your Retainers in a Tissue, Paper Towel, or Napkin

When eating, wrapping retainers in a napkin, tissue, or paper towel may seem like a good idea. Doing this, however, increases the risk of your retainers being taken during table clearing and ending up in the garbage.

If you do not want to spend your time rummaging through the trash can trying to locate your retainers, consider putting them in the retainer case when eating.

3. Keep Retainers Away from Pets and Babies

“My dog chewed on my retainer.” This is one of the most common statements that orthodontists hear. Most retainers are made of plastic and acrylic and often smell like their owner’s saliva – this often makes dogs consider them chew toys.

If you are a dog owner, keep your retainer high up and out of the dog’s way. Babies also like to chew on retainers. What’s more, when your baby picks your retainer, there is no telling where he/she may put it.

4. Wear Your Retainers

The safest way to avoid losing or breaking your retainers is to wear them. The moment you are done with your cosmetic dentist or orthodontist, wearing retainers as much as possible is the key to maintaining a perfect smile. As you already know, it is hard to lose retainers when they are inside your mouth.

Planning to Straighten Your Teeth? Talk to Straight Teeth Invisible

According to a research study published by the National Library of Medicine, only 35% of adults have well-aligned mandibular incisors. From this study, it is easy to see that 65% of adults have misaligned teeth. What’s more, the study adds that 15% of adults have severe teeth misalignment that both social function and acceptability are affected.

Do not let teeth misalignment affect your social function and social acceptability. The team of orthodontists at Linea Clear will help you fix your misaligned teeth, allowing you to smile confidently in public spaces.

Linea Clear will help you prepare for teeth straightening. Once you are ready, your orthodontist will help you weigh different solutions – including, veneers and invisible teeth aligners – so that you can choose an option that offers maximum benefits.

After installing transparent teeth aligners, your orthodontist will work with you through the orthodontic treatment period. By the time you remove the invisible teeth aligners and get your retainers, Linea Clear will ensure you have perfect teeth.

Would you like to regain confidence in your self-image? Book a FREE e-consultation today. Get to work with professionals with decades of experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I keep my retainers clean?

The mouth is a bacteria magnet, and wearing the retainers can lock and seal the bacteria in. After wearing your retainer throughout the night or day use a toothbrush to clean it along with your teeth. Next, rinse the retainer thoroughly.

Can I get an over-the-counter retainer after losing mine?

Over-the-counter retainers are never a good solution. Since they are not designed for your mouth, they may be an ill-fit over your teeth. In addition to being uncomfortable, they may not be effective in keeping your teeth from relapsing.

The retainer you get from your orthodontist is designed to fit perfectly over your teeth. In addition to being comfortable, retainers designed for you by the orthodontist will be more effective in helping you avoid relapses.

How often should I change/replace my retainers?

A retainer will stay in your mouth for about 6 to 8 hours every night. For this reason, it is a good idea that you replace retainers as often as you replace your toothbrush. Consider replacing your retainer every 3 to 4 months.


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